Special Cleaning Services

Special services

Patio/ Parking Area cleaning:  

We use pressure wash and sweeping machines to clean the large open areas such as Patio or Parking lots.  

PV Cell cleaning: 

For solar power to be efficient, elimination of some environmental effects is needed.  

Solar power generation efficiency can be influenced by many factors. One of the reason for reduction in the generation of power for the PV panels are dust, dirt, bird droppings, pollens etc as this interferes with the amount of direct sunlight received to the PV array. 

Our Specially trained cleaning team can clean the PV Panels professionally by normal soap water and soft wipers with adjustable lengths. 

Pest Control

We provide pest control services using eco-friendly, Human safe, smell and color free chemicals. 

We cover all kind of house pests Mosquitoes, flies, Silverfish, Black & Red Ants, Spider, Agricultural pest and similar house hold crawling pests, rodents and Termites. 

Awning Cleaning:   

We provide Awning Cleaning Services for home and offices. We take utmost care and safety precautions while cleaning of the awnings. We use a gentle hand-cleaning process while cleaning of the awnings. 

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